Shuneelo shaagorer shyamolo kinare (audio: Debabrata Biswas)
I chanced upon my muse
Across a navy blue sea
In an emerald shore on my way.
Now I sense her presence,
Her unsurpassed wonder
In the sweetness of the earth.
How often
Have I crafted her with my music,
How often
Have I laboured to voice her
Through my lute.
These missives and melodies
I will sow in my yesterdays,
Like potent seeds
Reaping my dream's harvest
These tunes will buzz
With the honeybee
Shifting with buds in the arbor.
They will surrender to the earth
Like raindrops of a high monsoon.
Then again in an autumn sky
They will idly drift with the sparse clouds
Aching with remembrance.
There she will be
Catching me with heavenly surprise,
Seeping into the songs of my twilight, my night,
My spring darkness,
Penetrating my deepest, lilting melancholy.