Nov 26, 2012

When I give, I shall hold nothing back

বাকি আমি রাখব না কিছুই
Baki ami rakhbo na kichhui (audio Santosh Sengupta)

When I give,  I shall hold nothing back
A handful of earth I shall splay your way
Your veil will be scented with fragrant buds,
My mingling of soulful blossoms of spring.

Across oceans, bays and southern shores,
You, my guest, have made your path
And I the grove, in return shall gift
Everything I hold and have
The nests I nurse lilt vibrant songs;
A gift from my soul to yours.
I become the ardent giver, as I bow,
As I die to surrender you my heart.

Nov 25, 2012

I never dreamed of reaping fruit

I never dreamed of reaping fruit
I am happy to shower my blossoms off
At the slightest tug of the southern breeze

When birds sing soulfully in spring,
Their warbles wane with the wind,
I, too, have let my scores slip, like fallen buds.

When all blossoms are blown, 
When I am left barren, all alone,
What will that day be like,
Never have I fretted, nor cared.

Maybe, in my branches, bare with giving,
This message will trill with a beat,
'I have given the ultimate gift,
My heartbeat-sweetness, 
My spring-time-bliss.'