Jan 18, 2013

Perhaps I will never find my paradise

Perhaps, I will never find my paradise
But I hear my heart caper carelessly
In the breeze that nudges me on 
To the endless sea, 
Like it has always done.

Perhaps my destiny eludes me
But I see myself at peace 

As I pause at passing ports.

My hopes have all sunk in the deep
But what of it? 
I am content to see others
Keep their dreams afloat

I count my blessings nearby
Little things that lend me delight
Should I sigh for untouched glories
Of my promised land?

Perhaps I have my flaws

Which I will complement
With the breath in my body.
Whatever remains o
f my disgruntled demands 
Will whet my poet's imagination

Jan 17, 2013

Light a lamp in my home

আমার এ ঘরে আপনার করে

Light a lamp in my home,
let it bless all my hurt.
Take away my lurking dark

I'll be blessed to love the world.

Your touchstone make a quiet light,
digging gold from darkest night.

Fires that I duly burn
leave ashes and deep injury.
Yet, I crave for your sunshine
on my door and in my eyes.

Jan 14, 2013

I offer you a fresh heart

Amare di tomar haate nuton kore nuton praate

I offer you a fresh heart
with every sunrise.
Every day my life blossom anew
in your courtyard.

Beats of separation
makes a fresh start of our unity.

With every sunrise
I lose you to find you
near shores of light and dark.

Jan 10, 2013

Someday my garden will flower

আমার  সকল কাঁটা ধন্য করে 

Someday my garden will flower
rewarding the thorns that bled.
All my pain will transform
into a flushing rose.

A spring wind one day
will leave my sky-gazing behind
and spill all the sweetness.

My bashfulness will pass
as I wield my abounding wealth
when my desire ripens in my heart  
and begins to shape my life.

When the night ends 
my friend will touch my garden 
letting my pale blossoms fall apart.

We seek out playmates

Amra khunji khelar shathi

We seek out playmates
In an endless match
Up at the strike of dawn 
To astonish drowsy eyes.

We lilt like the birds
We dance with the boughs.
Our charms befuddle
With invisible entrapment.

Death does not hold us;
We are up to redeem
Plundered treasures, taken by Time.

We have penetrated your heart
You are ours now.
Even as you walk 
To greet a strange darkness
The gloom will glimmer with stars
Impassioned by us.

Jan 4, 2013

My lightless lamp faces lustrous stars

Amar ondho prodeep

My lightless lamp faces the lustrous stars
In defeated silence
Seeking missives of radiance,
A spark to ignite it's soul with success.
Asking to be indebted forever 
To the blazing hearts of the sky,
In their endless quest of love lost.
To be united in the one truth of light
Within the same inky darkness;
To seize that serendipitous moment of  gloom.

Jan 1, 2013

May joy flow from my flute

May joy flow from my flute—woebegone.
I shall sail across the sea of tears.
The wind says it's time to move on
take all my sleepless nights.
My heart dances with thunder 
laughing in endless waves.
Who are you that can make a song?
Make a song with my flute woebegone.
Stranger, give me a symphony
never heard of, never sung.
Make my ship float across 
with your upstream wind.
A soul I have never seen
pulls my heart, who could stay?
I lost my hopes of a home.
I fall headlong into the stars.
Call of the wild, 
sing through my flute — woebegone.