Dec 24, 2020

At the dawn of a new era

 ওরে,  নূতন যুগের ভোরে

orey nuton juger bhorey

At the dawn of a new era

Why waste your time

in judging the flow of time

What will remain

will remain

What will be

will be

Why add your fears, doubts, worries

into the uncertainty


Look at the mountain stream

gushing forth from a glacier

rushing down treacherous slopes

Let loose your grip and take the plunge

Trust the force of nature

And carve through the rocks

a path yet unknown


Rocky be the road

Tough be the stones

Deeper the plunge

Stronger is the force

In knowing the unknown begins

The journey to knowing your own self


Victory bells will ring out

With each step you take

The pace of your stride

Will determine the passage of time

Wait no more to get up and get going

- 1937

May 11, 2020

Who is it that beckons with an affectionate call

 কে রে ওই ডাকিছে
ke re oi dakichhe

Who is it that beckons with an affectionate call
Her voice resonating throughout the world
Come one, come all, come let's go

So the birds sing in joy
Suffusing dawn with sweet melody
Why then this sorrow
Why the tears in your eyes
Why curl up in distress
Why bereft of joy

Let's go and fulfil our hopes

May 9, 2020

Euphoria in my body

গায়ে আমার পুলক লাগে
Gaaye amar pulok lage (audio link)

Euphoria in my body
Wine in my eyes
My heart tied
with a red ribbon.

Below the sky now
In the water, land, flowers, fruits
You spread me, my love.
What game is this with you now.
Can't tell if I really found out.

Joy wants to feign tears.
Sweet separation
makes the sun rise.

As the day ends listen to the call

দিন যদি হল অবসান
Din jodi holo (audio link)

As the day ends
listen to the call
from deeper chambers
of your world.

See how the good night
fires candles to celebrate.

At the brink of your earth
sing a song of thanks.

Calm your heart
spent with noise and haste.

Even if you miss the Sight
you can bare your heart.
The dark will be the Touch.
The dark will bring the Joy.


I know that you long for me

তুমি যে আমারে চাও আমি সে জানি
Tumi je amare chao ami se jani

I know that you long for me.
I see why you make me cry.

In the sun, in the night
I see why you screen your face.

Through many tasks all day I know
why you dress up differently
why you make mixed melodies.

When the ferrying is all over
I see where you leave to
in your sunset-boat.


You are so rich

অসীম ধন তো আছে তোমার, তাহে সাধ না মেটে
Osheem dhon to achhe tomar (audio link here)

You are so rich
Yet here you are
unhappy, before you receive
the gold back from me
in little bites.

You gave me a full bag.
Now here you are
calling to me
since I shut down.

You want to be the beggar
You want my heart.
Your antic tickles the world.

You will step off high ground,
walk with me on the dust
Till death do us part.