Dec 31, 2012

Arise with crystal eyes

Arise with crystal eyes 
beyond the darkest sky.
Rise within your heart, 
with your freedom's right. 

Arise with all you have
rise like flowering air.
Rise like a sparkling sky
arise bold and bright.

Rise in a lovely dance 
near your ambrosia.
Rise in the house of love, 
far from the voice of fear.

Arise bright and big
rise with stubborn dreams.
Arise in endless space
where all fullness brims.

Arise in the land of strength
rise when fight demands
Rise where one is all
rise as good deeds can.  

Rise on the road not walked
rise on the path of pain.
Rise in the house of love
far from the parted vein.

Celebrate celebrate

Celebrate celebrate.
Newborn sunrise!

Come, sing, Undefeated.
Face the lies.
Master the fear.
Master the dispute.

Arrive, rising eyes,
evergreen victory song.

Arrive, winning hope.
Awake the stones.
Master the death.
Master the walls.

Breathe new life in me

Breathe new life in me
my companion, this dawn.
Rub all my black, with fresh joy.
Kill the old night with new sunrise.

Dec 28, 2012

I listen to your footfall

I listen to your footfall 
somewhere in the shore of life. 
In silence, in every sweet breeze. 

Stars and planets speechless overhead  
steadily gaze on.
My thoughts heave gently, ever gently. 

My eyes look on aching with thirst.
My ears, anticipate your homecoming. 
Maybe you'll rise with some sunrise. 
And sink my pain and pleasure
with deep joy.

(another version by Rumela)

I hear your footsteps O Lord
Along the shore of life
In the stillness of seclusion
In the sweetness of the wafting wind

The stars and planets in the sky
Look on with a steadfast gaze
Many a thought stream in my heart
Slowly ever so slowly in solitude

My eyes gaze on like a bird athirst
My ears alert in the depths of my heart
At which auspicious dawn will you come
You will stand at the threshold of my heart
Forgetting all joy and sorrow
I will sink into the depths of bliss

Dec 27, 2012

You robbed me of my pride

You robbed me of my pride
with gifts of humility.
How can I raise my eyes to you!

I pretend I found you
yet the lies fall apart
at my work, in my home.
How can I raise my eyes to you!

Could I even house you
when I failed to release
my innocent heart?

I have always longed for you
yet me eyes have only seen myself;
I failed to see you
seated in the majesty of being.
How can I raise my eyes to you!

Dec 3, 2012

Your music sets my heart on fire

Tumi je shurer agun lagiye dile (audio: Sreeradha Banerjee)

Your music sets my heart on fire,

multiplies to everywhere.

Fire on the dead old leaves 
Dance and dance in measured flare.
Hands raised to the sky 
something like a prayerful sigh.
Who listens, I am not sure.

The stars gaze wondering
what a madness in the wind.

This lotus full of golden light
in the heartbeat of the night
what a magical surprise.
What is it about the fire
I am certain, I am not sure.