Jan 27, 2010

We were brought together, in jest

কোন দেবতা সে কি পরিহাসে
kon debota shey ki porihashe

We were brought together, in jest
By the vagaries of the gods,
Sailing adrift in a boat of illusion

Companion of my dreams
Let us celebrate regardless
Cruising away in a lyrical stream
Bouncing on waves of laughter
Floating in the air
Regaling ourselves in dance
Such languid moments
Ravishing with the scent
Of Madhobi blossoms

This garland brushing your enthralled bosom
Preserve its sweet charm tonight
For when the morning rays of the sun touch it again
Abashed will it be in the light of new day
And fraught with apathy, break loose on the earth
To fade away in vain


  1. I have been immensely happy seeing your translations. How can I be your friend?

    My blogspot is---- arnabronodeb.blogspot.com

    my email is neogiarnab@yahoo.com

  2. "Abashed will it be" has come out beautifully
