Oct 20, 2009

Sorrow persists death befalls

আছে দুঃখ আছে মৃত্যু
aachhey dukkho, aachhey mrityu  (audio)

Sorrow persists,
death befalls,
separation singes.
Yet there is peace,
yet there is joy,
yet stirs the Infinite within

Yet there is the eternal flow of life,
beaming sun, smiling moon and stars
Yet arrives spring, bringing to bowers,
a wondrous spray of hues and colours

Where there is an ebb, so is there a tide
When droops a flower, blooms yet another

Where there is neither loss, nor an end, no, not even weariness
At the altar of that abundance, my heart seeks an abode.

Another version by Anandamayee Majumdar:

I see sorrow
death and silence,
heartache breathing fire
Peace prevails and
bliss prevails though,
endlessness tanspires.

Life flowing everywhere
Sun, stars and moonshine rare
Spring comes alive in flair
Colors catch the fire

Waves die ebbing, ebbing away
Waves arise and sway
Blossoms wither to the grave
Blossoms bloom in play

Nothing ends nor melts away
Nothing lessens anyway
Rest with the ampleness
Is my heart's desire


  1. Excellent! loved reading it. Great job!

  2. Khub bhalo laglo translation . Ami Rabindranath nie ektu likhi . I am trying to do some writing in my facebook page but this is wonderfully done and very useful too. If I refer to any of these I will seek your permission and definitely acknowledge.

    1. Sorry for this terribly late delay in getting back to your very nice feedback. We are glad to share this with someone who takes so much interest in writing. Please share more of your own with us! Thanks.
