Apr 26, 2011

Here comes the tide to silted shores

এবার তোর মরা গাঙে বান এসেছে 
ebar tor mawra gange baan eshechhe

Here comes the tide to silted shores
Aflood is the river in deluge
Time to wish Godspeed and set sail

Where is the helmsman, where is he
Call out for him with all your force
Take up the oars, cut off the lines
Lift up the anchors and set sail

Your debts have risen day by day
You’ve traded not at the marketplace
Not a penny there is in your pockets

Your days go by moored to the shores
How will you stand tall in this world
Cut off your lines, hoist up your sails
Throw caution to winds, come what may
Whether you sink or stay afloat

(another translation for rendition by Anondo ) (audio link)

The dry riverbed is flooded over,
let us thank our stars and set afloat.

Ahoy, navigator, where is he?
Call him to take the lead.
Let's grab the oars, everyone,
free the ties, let us set to go.

Everyday we owe a little more.
Friends, none of us have made a trading score.
So we are short of money.

We are moored from the start
How can we now face our hearts?
Let's sail away come what may,
whether we may drown or float.

1 comment:

  1. wonderful translation

    please keep this website going. do not shut it down.
