Nov 17, 2009

I lose you ever so often

তোমায় নতুন করে পাব বলে
tomay notun kore pabo bole (audio: Bikram Singh)

I lose you ever so often
only to re-discover you, my precious.
You disappear to let me seek
and see you again.

You are not a stranger, my dear.
You have always been there.
Your eclipse is a fleeting whim
of your passing game.

When I am bent on my quest
My mind quivers with fear
And my love is swayed adrift.

Is it because you are endless
that you pass of as empty
and refresh my smile
with tears of longing!

Another version by Rumela Sengupta:

To discover you anew
I lose you now and again
O my love most precious

You become out of sight
To let me seek you out
O my love most precious

Screened you are not from me
Mine you have been for ages
In this play of hide-n-seek
You are lost but for a moment

When I seek you far and near
Aquiver my heart in fear
Billows my love in waves

Endless you are
In nothingness therefore
you let yourself perish
That smile of yours is lost on me
As tears well up in my eyes
With this harsh separation
O my love most precious

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