Nov 17, 2009

As an unknown wanderer walks along the road

পথ দিয়ে কে যায় গো চলে
pawth diye ke jay go choley

As an unknown wanderer
Walks along the road
Her silent call
Urges me to tread the path
Forcing me out
Of my own retreat.
I do not know
These songs that resound in the air
But in my heart and in my pain
They reverberate and come alive.
A night of the full moon
Summons the ocean
Motions the waves
And rocks the heart.
And now that doubts are gone
Why and for whom should I wait?

 (another version by Rumela Sengupta)

Who is it that goes by the road
Calling out to me as he goes
How do I now remain indoors

What is this melody blowing in the wind
It resonates within my bosom
It plays on my deepest ache

Waves rush forth from the seas
In this night of the full moon
I feel that pull within my soul
Lost in thought I gaze on
Nothing there is to hold me back

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