Nov 9, 2009

Why should I fear the unrevealed?

অচেনাকে ভয় কি আমার ওরে
Awchena ke bhoy ki amar ore (audio: Srikanta Acharya)

Why should I fear the unrevealed?
Life fulls with richness
By embracing strange frontiers

I have long sensed
That I will endlessly unfold secrets,
That nameless forces
Will incite me on unbeaten trails

My mother was once a stranger to me,
She held me to her heart, and I knew.

So is every love a secret,
Before it floods;
It is a faith that softens my heart

Exposed to the mysteries of this world,
My soul breaks into countless tunes.
So I exist, endlessly enamored,
Drunkenly dazed with my unknown life

(Another version by Rumela Sengupta:)

What fear have I of the unknown?
My life will attain fruition
As the unknown becomes the known

I know this knowing of mine will never end
It will pull me to paths less travelled
With an unseen unknown force

Unknown was the mother who took me in her lap
All love is but unknown and thus sways the heart

Amidst the soul of this world unknown,
Sings the heart to many a tune
Unknown in this life of mine,
I wander spellbound in a daze

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