Mar 10, 2011

You play your flute in varied tunes

দিনের বেলায় বাঁশি তোমার
diner belay banshi tomar

You play your flute in varied tunes
Off and on through the day
Your songs they find a way to me
You remain far away

Those I ask “Who is it that plays”
They confuse me with many names
Many a door I knock in vain

Deep darkness now descends on skies
Exhausted the day rests its eyes
Still I wander in search of you

Do not stand apart from me
Step inside, be seated within
Do play your flute
In chambers inmost of my heart

1 comment:

  1. You have played many tunes in your flute during the day
    Your songs found my heart but you remained far away
    I ask the passersby “who played the flute?”
    They console me with varied names; I wander from door to door

    The sky is darkening, tired day is about to rest its eyes
    If you still make me wander, I will exhaust in vain pursuit
    From without take your seat within
    Come, my lord, play your flute
    In the innermost quarters of my heart
    (Translation by Kunal Vasu Mallik)
